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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Easy LifeTime Commissions for Stay@Home Mums!

I came across this brand new web-site that would be perfect for Stay@Home moms interested in making permanent life-time two tier commissions!

No cost to join, but imagine life-time commissions. You refer a customer to the web-site and you get a commission anytime they buy a product in the future. Now that is impressive and it's free to join.

And the great thing about the products is they have to be a good deal for the buyer or they are not allowed to be advertised on the site. So you know you are promoting something that will benefit others.

Here's a blurb text from their web-site.
"If you've been in the Internet Marketing world for more than 30 seconds, then those five little words have probably made you start shaking with anticipation. We understand - it's okay. Tuck your tongue back into your mouth and read on:

When you refer others to DealDotCom and they get their free account, they are marked in our system as having been referred by you. Anything that they ever buy from us nets you a 35% commission. Notice the word "ever" in the previous sentence… as in FOREVER. It doesn't matter if they buy something tomorrow, next week, or fifty years from now - you're going to get paid. What's more, anyone that they refer to DealDotCom goes on your second tier. Anything people on your second tier buy nets you a 15% commission. Again, FOREVER."
I suggest you go to their web-site and grab your free account now. If you have a list of people, e-mail them immediately. This is your chance to get in at ground level and make some serious money

1. Sign up with your FREE account at the above web address
2. You will be sent a verification email so go to that and click on the link
3. Log in to the page with your details
4. Go to your account page to find your own URL to promote the page
5. Start promoting your link using the promotional tools and banners provided

On your blog like me
Send out emails to your friends or any lists you have
Use the Facebook Application
Be Creative!

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