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Thursday, August 21, 2008


Welcome to FREE BUSINESS STARTERS for all you stay@home mums!

I am a stay@home mum with 2 gorgeous children, 10months and 2 years. I really value the time I have with them at home and think it's vitally important that I am the one investing into their lives at this precious stage of their development.

However these can be tough times as you attempt to provide for two growing bodies that only stay in clothes and shoes for a few months at a time and need to be introduced and taught to eat fresh fruit and vegies. If you're like me you want the best for your kids.

Well, at the moment I can't give that to my children and NEED to add to my husbands income. Working from home had to be the solution. But I had strict instructions to NOT SPEND MONEY. That was easy because there was no extra money to spend! And so began my search for all the FREE OPPORTUNITIES I could find.

As a mum who knows what it's like, I really want to share what I find with other mums and help them be successful in their online business.

This site will aim to only promote those products that I myself have found beneficial and that will actually help you earn an income.

Subscribe to this page so you can get regular updates of all the FREE BUSINESS TOOLS that will help you be the successful STAY@HOME Business mom!!!

Enjoy! and I wish you all the best in your business!

P.S. I encourage any of you other business mum's to share your ideas and tips here too so we can help each other succeed!

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